Previous Close -
1-Year Change -
6-Months Change -
3-Months Change -
Moving Avg (50d) -
Moving Avg (200d) -
ESG Rating B
Exchange NASDAQ
Market Cap. -
Beta (3-Years) -
Revenue Growth (ttm) -
Net Profit Margin (ttm) -
Return On Assets (ttm) -
EPS (ttm) -
PE Ratio (ttm) -
Dividend Yield -
Chart provided by TradingView
  • TTM: Trailing Twelve Months
  • ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance
  • EPS: Earnings Per Share

FWONK : Latest Forecast as of 2024-09-19

Asset Description: Formula One Group
Predicted Direction: Sell
Signal Strength: Sell
Forecast Date: 2024-08-02 00:00:00

Signal Strength

Strong Buy
Strong Sell
Manage your risk using stop Loss position below. How much are you afford to loose ?

Stop Loss Prices by Risk level :

2% 5% 7% 10% 15% 20%
78.938 81.259 82.807 85.129 88.998 92.868
** Base on the close Price 77.39 as of 2024-09-18 00:00:00

Latest news on Formula One Group are available by following this link.
News feed will be added in the future. Please get in touch with us if you are a news feed provider.

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